Facelift Surgery

Facial Rejuvenation in New York and New Jersey

A facelift is considered to be the gold standard in facial rejuvenation surgery because it comprehensively addresses multiple signs of aging on the middle and lower facial areas. When performed by a skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Shinji Lee, a facelift can turn back the clock by approximately 10 years.

Why Patients Trust Dr. Shinji Lee for Facelift Surgery

Facelift NYC

Dr. Shinji Lee is a top facial plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience treating men and women in Manhattan and the surrounding area. She possesses exceptional surgical training and skill, and currently serves as the facility director for Plastic Surgery Center 46. As a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Lee stays abreast of the latest advances in technique and technology. She has made numerous appearances in media, including TKC TV and KNBN TV where she has shared her medical expertise. An accomplished artist and sculptor, Dr. Lee values symmetry, balance and proportion, all of which are key to achieving natural-looking and beautiful results with a facelift.

Your Facelift Surgery Consultation with Dr. Lee

Successful facelift surgery requires collaboration between the surgeon and the patient. Dr. Lee will help you navigate your options so you can select the treatment plan that best addresses your cosmetic needs and goals. During your consultation, the doctor will also carefully examine your facial anatomy to determine whether a facelift is the right solution. Facelift surgery addresses the following:

  • Loose, sagging skin in the middle and lower portions of the face
  • Creases beneath the lower eyelids
  • Displaced fat
  • Excess fat along the jawline
  • Creases and lines between the nose and corners of the mouth
  • Loss of smooth, healthy skin tone

A facelift can be performed as a single procedure or in combination with other facial aesthetic procedures, such as eyelid surgery, neck lift or laser skin resurfacing, to produce superior results. All of these options will be discussed in detail during the pre-op consultation phase.

Procedure Details

Facelift Surgery New York City

A facelift is performed at Dr. Lee’s fully accredited onsite operating room. Anesthesia, administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist, is used to ensure the patient’s full comfort.

Traditional facelift surgery involves creating tiny incisions in the hairline at the temples that extend around the ears and end in the lower scalp. Dr. Lee tightens the skin and repositions the deeper structures of face, including the SMAS and deep plane layers for a lifted and more rejuvenated effect. Excess fat is removed and repositioned as necessary. The skin is redraped over the lifted contours of the face and the incisions are closed with sutures.

If you are primarily bothered by the appearance of jowls and have mild skin laxity, Dr. Lee may recommend a mini (SMAS) facelift. This technique requires less incisions and focuses on correcting the skin and the muscle tissues in the SMAS layer only, which results in minimal scarring but limited results compared to traditional facelift surgery.

Recovering from Facelift Surgery

Dr. Lee will provide a detailed list of instructions for you to follow during your recovery. Generally, patients need to take one to two weeks off from their normal routine in order to rest as much as possible. Side effects like swelling, bruising and soreness are normal during this time period. Dr. Lee can prescribe oral pain medication to minimize any pain you feel. She will also schedule follow-up appointments with you to ensure you are healing as safely and quickly as possible.

For more information about facelift surgery or the other facial aesthetic surgeries Dr. Lee performs, schedule a personal consultation. Contact Plastic Surgery Center 46 by calling or email us today.